Silver Lining takes out Mumbrella’s Award for Sustainable Practices

On Thursday August 1st, Silver Lining with Bank Australia picked up the Mumbrella Award for Sustainable Practices.

This was the result of a sustained campaign called Put Your Money Where it Matters.

This campaign was delivered by four B Corps

Bank Australia
Silver Lining
Alchemy One

As a collective we followed the steps recommended by Ad Net Zero.

Bank Australia and Alchemy One worked with Scope3 to measure the digital advertising footprint and reduce CO2 emissions from all media activity. From an initial pilot of twelve campaigns, eleven showed significant gCO₂PM reductions (video -26%, native -48%, display -17.8% % change in gCO₂PM). These results were announced at the Programmatic Summit in February 2024.

The static PVC skins from our last outdoor campaign are currently being upcycled into Tote and beach bags for Bank Australia customers; and as solarised sheets for Sustain and Greening Australia to keep the soil warm and weed-free for their respective farms.

See the campaign here.


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