Dark Cloud

Recent data from NSW Suicide Monitoring System, showed that 3 out of 4 NSW suicides are men.

Often we have no idea of those men suffering, as the exterior doesn’t always reflect what’s happening on the inside. We need people to look beyond the surface and check in with the men in their community.

Silver Lining

Suicide Prevention Australia in partnership with Australian Men's Health Forum worked together with an Advisory Group who specialise in male suicide prevention and men with lived and living experience of suicide.

Funded by NSW Health, Doing It Tough connects men in NSW with local community services & organisations, based on where they live, the challenges they face, and the type of support they want.

You can learn more about the campaign and download the toolkit here

Learn more about Doing It Tough here: https://doingittough.org/


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Net Zero by 2035 | Bank Australia