Dark Cloud
Every year 5 million Australians are affected by some sort of mental health challenge, and the effects of COVID are creating an ever-increasing burden on people’s mental health.
Many Australians are doing it hard with lockdowns becoming a new norm for many, and home working and schooling practices, we are seeing burnout amongst employees who are often robbed of lunchtimes and moments of pre-lockdown downtime, like travel. In addition, workplaces are more certainly committed than ever to finding new ways to build team morale and also address the increase and frequency of employees seeking mental health support.
Silver Lining
The Do Nothing Challenge encourages Aussies to spend thirty minutes a day doing nothing for the whole of November, whilst raising money for mental health charity partners Smiling Mind, ReachOut, and Orygen.
Our aim is to collectively achieve 5 million Do Nothing minutes, one minute for every Australian who will suffer a Mental or Behavioural condition this year.
The Do Nothing Challenge includes a suite of tools that helps participants Do Nothing that range from videos of waves on a beach, paint drying, grass growing, White Noise Music playlists, On Hold muzak, and even Out-of-Office messages to encourage workplaces to do something for the mental health of their staff.